S.No Funding Agency Title of the Project Amount (in Rs.) Ongoing / Completed
1 102/IFD/SAN/4453/2017-18 Member in Advisory Committee for DBT STAR COLLEGE Scheme and represented Department of Food Technology 12 lakhs In progress
2 F.No. F-11011/16/2017-FTL dated 09.07.2019 Establishment of K.S.R food testing Laboratory 2.53 Cr In progress
3 TNSCST/STU.PRJ/RJ/2013-2014 Probiotication of Nannari syrup by using Lactobacillus acidophilus and its study on anticancerous activity 10,000 Completed
4 UGC under Ref No.F.NO:4-4/2014 -15(MRP-SEM/UGC-SERO) Formulation of probiotic health drinks using different traditional herbs and its evaluation using animal models 2.15 lakhs Completed
5 TNSCST/ STU. PRJ/ RJ/ 2016-17. Preparation of spider silk scaffold for wound healing – albino model study 10,000 Completed