Workshop on VLSI – FPGA
The Workshop on “VLSI design” was organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 10-02-17. Mr.K.Sivanadham, Assistant Professor, ECE, KSRCT and Mr.V.Prabakar, Assistant Professor, ECE, KSRCT were resource persons for this workshop. This workshop was organized for the benefit of internal as well as externalparticipants. In this workshop40 students from other institutions and 20 internal students were participated. The main theme of the workshop is to know about the design and functional verification of the system on chip. The workshop started with imparting the basic knowledge about the Verilog, C programming and oops concept (classes) required for designing the SoC using system Verilog. Detailed explanations of the design flow of chip and the verification of the chip were given. The hands on training for designing combinational and sequential logic circuits using system Verilog was given. Later on the designed basic logic circuits are implemented in FPGA Trainer Kit.
The participants were learnt the basic logic circuit design using system Verilog quickly. Students implemented the logic circuits in FPGA Trainer kit. End of the session the participants were very much satisfied with the VLSI Design flow lecture. They worked at FPGA Kit comfortably to implement the design in kit also show their willingness to learn complex circuit designing further.
Workshop on MATLAB Programming
The Workshop on “MATLAB Programming” was organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 10-02-17.Ms.M.Nirmala, Assistant Professor, ECE, KSRCT and Mrs.K. Gogila Devi, Assistant Professor, ECE, KSRCT were resource persons for this workshop. This workshop was organized for the benefit of internal as well as externalparticipants. In this workshop31 students from other institutions and 30 internal students were participated.The workshop covered the basic instructions and usage of MATLAB as an effective tool and the usage of MATLAB comments for data entry and analysis, numerical methods for engineering problems. Real time problems in image enhancement, image de noising, image filtering were covered with detailed program code as hands on session. This workshop mainly deals the basic tool boxes of MATLAB like image processing, signal processing, control systems, simulink were discussed.
Through this workshop the students were exposed to the software MATLAB for numerical computations, visualization and programming. This workshop made the students to analysis data, develop algorithms and create models for real world applications.
Workshop on Antenna Design and Simulation using ANSYS HFSS
The Center for Wireless Networking (CWIN) of Electronics and Communication Engineering department organized a one day workshop on “Antenna design and Simulation using ANSYS HFSS” on 06/03/17. The resource person Mr. Sudheer Kumar Vempala,Application Engineer, ARK Info Solutions handled the entire session on antenna design and development. There were 50 participants attended the workshop. The main objective of the program is to know the role of ANSYS HFSS in design and development of antenna virtually. ANSYS HFSS is 3D electromagnetic (EM) simulation software for designing and simulating high-frequency electronic products such as antennas, antenna arrays, RF or microwave components, high-speed interconnects, filters, connectors, IC packages and printed circuit boards.
It integrates simulation, visualization, solid modeling, and automation that can be used in various fields such as to design high-frequency, high-speed electronics found in communications systems, radar systems, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), satellites, internet-of-things (IoT) products and other high-speed RF and digital devices. It is an easy design tool to learn and to address diverse solutions to 3D EM problems is quickly and accurately obtained. HFSS is the leading tool for research and virtual design prototyping, which reduces design cycle time and enhance the design reliability and performance. It gives an opportunity for participants from academic institutions, industry professionals and researchers to discuss and develop a model using ANSYS. This workshop comprises design, simulation and fabrication of basic RF antennas like dipole, Helical and microstrip antenna. Also includes microwave devices such as planar transmission lines, antennas, couplers, filters, etc. Finally the event came to an end with a better understanding of ANSYS HFSS tool and its importance in designing environment.
ICMR Sponsored National Conference on Emerging Trends in Bioelectronics, Information and Communication Technologies
One day ICMR Sponsored National conference on “Emerging Trends in Bioelectronics, Information and Communication Technologies”was organized on 12/04/17. The Chief guest Mr.C.Kannan, Technical Manager, i-interface Technologies, Bengaluru, delivered a lecture on “Recent Electronics Devices and ICT Techniques”. Out of 50 papers received from various institutions, 20 papers were selected for presentation. The main theme of the conference was to provide an opportunity for research scholars, academicians to share their research work in the field of Bioelectronics, ICT Technology. ICT is basically our society’s efforts to teach its current and emerging citizens valuable knowledge and skills around computing and communications devices, software that operates them, applications that run on them and systems that are built with them. This conference also focuses on bioelectronics which is a new research field and the idea is to establish synergies between electronics and biology. Participants have presented their papers in the areas such as topics Medical Electronics, Wireless Communication, Signal & Image/Video Processing, Bio-Technology, Biomechanics & Bioelectronics, Embedded Systems, VLSI Design and Technology, Computer Networks and Network security, Multimedia & Mobile computing, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic etc…
This conference was provided an opportunity for research scholars from academic Institutions to share their ideas and research work in the field of Bioelectronics, Communication and Information Technology. In that they have gathered more ideas about unrelated topics and make it useful for more applications.
Hands on PICMicrocontroller for Embedded Application Development
The IEEE students chapter of K.S.Rangasamy college of Technology was organized a workshop about embedded system titled as “PIC Microcontroller for Embedded application development” on 05th august 2016.Mr. K.Raguvaran, Assistant professor/ECE was handled the sessions of the workshop for students. Around 40 students have participated in the workshop, where 30 students from other institutions and 10 students from our institution. This event was organized with a theme of giving practical exposer in designing and developing of Embedded system applications with PIC microcontroller. Participants are expected to learn the programming of Embedded system. The session was divided into three such as Introduction, Basics of Programming an embedded system and hands-on training in interfacing of sensors and actuators. In the introduction session, participants are presented with slides that covers, basics of electronics, basics of microprocessor and microcontroller, Practical constrains in designing a system, Environmental factors in implementation of a system and some basic logics in designing. In the second session, Basics of programming an embedded system that covers basics of C language, Firmware, Bootloader, SFR peripheral configurations, programming structures, compiling and debugging. In the hands-on session, the students are separated into teams (3 students per team). Totally 13 team of participants are provided with PIC microcontroller Development kit and a computer with preinstalled compiler for PIC microcontroller. Students are practiced the interfacing of LEDs, switches, Motors, Memory, etc. with the help of hardware PIC development board. Team of faculties and student volunteers are assisted to participants in hands-on session.
Through this practical workshop, the students get practical exposer in designing and programming of embedded system. It helps to develop their own systems for simple problems. By learning interfacings protocols, students can do some projects relevant to social cases and medical field. System Programming knowledge makes them to customize their own systems for application needs. The designing knowledge helps them to design a sustainable system which is rigid to environmental factors. The participants are satisfied with the course contend and practical exposer provided through this workshop. This exposer helps them to realize the industrial requirement and improves their job opportunity.
Intensive Hands on Training on PCB Designing and Fabrication
The IEEE students chapter of K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology organized a workshop about Printed Circuit Board titled as “PCB Designing and Fabrication” on 13th August 2016. Around 70 students have participated in the workshop, where 50 students are from other institutions and 20 students are from our institution. The sessions handled by Mr. K. Raguvaran, Assistant Professor of ECE. This event was organized with a theme of introducing PCB designing CAD tools and practicing to fabricate a PCB board in home by using Toner-Transfer method. The workshop was planned as 3 sessions such as introduction to PCB, Practicing PCB designing in CAD tools and hands-on training in fabrication of PCB with Toner-Transfer method. In Introduction session, Students are presented with slides about the evaluation of PCB technologies, application-based PCB, practical constrains, Design constrains and availability of PCB designing CAD tools for Free and Premium. In the next session, students are separated as groups (3 students per group) and provided with computers. The participants are asked to install the CAD tool and practiced to design a PCB using CAD tool. In this session, library creation, footprint creation, footprints management, Placement and routing of components, 3D view of PCB and printing the design was covered. In fabrication session, the teams were trained to fabricate their own PCBs by toner transfer method.
Through this workshop, the students learned to design a PCB with considering practical constrains od application. By Toner Transfer method, participants can able to fabricate their own PCBs for projects and laboratory purposes by using the things which are mostly available in their home. By the knowledge and the exposer provided through this workshop helps the students can customize their own projects by designing PCB boards. Participants are more satisfied in hands-on training which motivates them to proceed further with their design ideas.
Workshop on Arduino Based System Design
The IEEE students chapter of K.S.Rangasamy college of Technology was organized a workshop about Arduino titled as “Arduino based system design” on 20th august 2016. Mr. K.Raguvaran, Assistant professor/ECE has handled the sessions of the workshop for students. Around 60 students have participated in the workshop, where 50 students from other institutions and 10 students from our institution. The theme of the workshop is to introduce the basics of Arduino development platform for engineering students and practice the interfacings such as sensors and actuates with Arduino.The entire workshop was divided into three sessions such as Introduction, Hands-on practice and live demo. In introduction session, theoretical presentation was presented to the students. It covers the history of Arduino, Basics of electronics, basics of micro controller and microprocessor, Features of Arduino and some example real time projects related to Arduino. The introduction session is more interactive with students. In hands-on session, the students are separated as teams with 3 students per team, totally 20 teams provided with Arduino Nano kits and interfacing kits. The students practiced the basic interfacings such as LED, Switch, Motor, temperature sensor, etc. with the help of hardware kits. In live demo session, An IoT based appliance automation was shown to the students to understand how Arduino contributing to IoT platform.
Through this workshop, the students realized the basics and working of Arduino. Students understand the basic interfacing logics used in Arduino and explored the performance of the Arduino in various applications. The students can confidently work with Arduino and they do some mini projects and some medium level projects with Arduino and learned to use Arduino in IoT platform. By this, participants can do the projects related to IoT with Arduino. The participants are satisfied with the provision of knowledge, hands-on practice and hospitality of the institution.
ICMR Sponsored National Seminar onSmart Healthcare Monitoring System Using IoT
A two day ICMR sponsored National level seminar on“Smart Healthcare Monitoring System Using IoT” was held on 22/09/16 & 23/09/16. During the inaugural function Dr. N. Krishnan, Professor, Centre for Information Technology and Engineering,ManonmaniamSundaranar University,Tirunelveli, delivered a lecture on importance of health care monitoring and management. Ms.S.Shanmugapriya, Hospital & Health system Management, Icons InfocomPvt.Ltd, Chennai delivered guest speech on hospital management.Mr.K.Moorthy, Managing director, Enthu Technologies, Coimbatore delivered about integration of health monitoring systems with IoT. They were delivered an informative lecture and hands on training related to smart health care in IoT. There were 25 participants attended this seminar.
The main objective of this seminar is to provide a platform to facilitate researchers to practice medicine, from the current post facto diagnose and treat reactive paradigm to a proactive framework for prognosis of disease ata an incipient stage, coupled with prevention, cure and overall management of health. This seminar was useful to the participants in terms of health care, its monitoring and management through IoT. Through this lecture the participants learned the opportunities and challenges for IoT in realizing the vision of health care industry.