Course code / Course name
Mode of Content Delivery Used
Other Assessment and Evaluation methods*
40 EC 302 / Electromagnetic Fields
- Vector Addition and Coordinates
- Principles of Electromagnetics, 4/E.
- Amperes Law
- Force due to Magnetic Fields
- Gauss’s law
Self-Learning |
Flipped class |
40 EC 703 / Wireless Communication
Open Book Online Examination
Role play
Group Discussion |
- CDMA: Features and Architecture
Seminar |
40 EC 501 / VLSI Design
- IC- Fabrication
- System Verilog basic
Video animation/lecture presentation |
Open Book Online Examination
- Technology Related CAD Issues
- Data types in Verilog HDL
- Operators for Modelling in Verilog HDL
- FPGA technologies
Self-Learning |
- Digital Circuits Using Verilog HDL
- Stick Diagrams And Layouts
Flipped Class |
- CMOS Logic
- CMOS Technologies and Process Enhancements
- Design rules
- FPGA Technologies
40 EC 301 / Electronic Circuits – I
- Voltage divider bias
- FET as a VVR
- h-parameter model
- Comparison of CB, CC and CE amplifiers
- Non-ideal characteristics of amplifiers
- High frequency analysis of FET
Self – Learning |
Open Book Online Examination
Method of drawing small signal equivalent circuit |
Video |
40 HS 003 / Total Quality Management
- Quality cost, Cost analysis
- Principle of TQM
- Customer retention and employee involvement
- House of quality, QFD process
- Total productive maintenance
- ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14000 quality system elements and concepts
- Easy to understand the concept and by via power point presentation
- Historical review
- Barriers of TQM implementations
- Measurement of central tendency and dispersion
- Population and samples
- Benefits of Taguchi loss function
Self Learning |
- Recognition and Rewards and Performance Appraisal
- Sourcing and supplier selection
- Process Capability
- Need for ISO 9000 Quality Systems
Seminar |
- Quality function deployment
- FMEA stages and types
Video Lecturer |
- Quality Statement
- Quality function
- Deployment
- Case studies in Education Systems
41 EC 702 / Microwave Engineering
- Klystron Power Supply and Helix Travelling wave tube
- Wave Guide Components and Application
- Wireless communication systems
- Radar systems
Self – Learning |
- Faraday rotation
- Micro strip lines-Characteristic impedance
- Dielectric constant
- S-parameter
Video Presentation |
- Klystron Amplifier
- Reflex klystron
- Travelling wave tube
Video Animation |
40 EC 701 / Optical Communication and Networks
Types of fiber and structures |
Group Discussion |
- Element of an Optical Fiber Transmission link
- Fiber materials, fiber fabrication techniques
- Signal Distortion in Optical Wave guides
- Polarization Mode dispersion, Intermodal dispersion– Pulse Broadening in GI fibers- Mode Coupling
- Direct and indirect band gap, Laser Diode structures
- PIN and APD diodes
- SNR,Detector Response
- Principle of coherent detection,SONET,FDDI,Optical amplifier,EDFA
- Information capacity determination
- Temperature effects
- Receiver operation, preamplifiers
- Switches
- Semiconductor optical amplifier
Self – Learning |
- Introduction
- Ray Model -I
- Wavelength Division Multiplexed Systems
Video |
40 EC E25 / Cryptography and Network Security
- Algebraic structure
- Multiple uses of modern block ciphers and stream cipher
- Exponentiation & Logarithm
- Steganography
- Security at the network layer, Two Security Protocol
Self – Learning |
- Substitution ciphers – Transposition ciphers
- Modern block ciphers – Modern stream ciphers
- Primarily Testing
- Elgamal – Elliptic curve
- Message integrity –message authentication – SHA-512
- Digital signature schemes – Biometrics – Kerberos – symmetric key management –
- Digital signature schemes – Biometrics – Kerberos – symmetric key management –
- Basic Cryptographic Concepts
- Substitution techniques
- Transposition techniques
Video |
40 EC 003 / Digital Principles and System Design
Flipped Class |
Flipped Class |
Open Book Online Examination
- Logic gates
- Types of triggering
- Synchronous counter
Self – Learning |
Self – Learning |
- Boolean laws
- Classification of Memory
- CMOS and TTL family
- Shift registers
- Static and Dynamic hazards
Basics oxf Digital Principal Systems |
40 EC 503 / Digital Signal Processing
DSP Process |
- The Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm
- An example on DIT-FFT of an 8-point sequence
- Design of FIR filter
Video |
Open Book Online Examination
Self learning, Group Problem Solving and Seminar |
40 EC E32 / High Speed Networks
- Congestion Control
- Data transfer
- High Speed LAN
- TCP Congestion Control
- Wireless LANs: Applications, Requirements, RTP–Protocol Architecture
Self learning |
- ATM Video Lecture
- Queuing Models
- Fair Queuing &Weighted Fair Queuing Video Lecture
Video |
40 EE 007 / Control Systems Engineering
- Block Diagram & Signal Flow Graph
Open Book Online Examination
- Mechanical rotational systems
- Mechanical rotational problem
- Block Diagram Reduction Rules
- Routh Stability Criterion
- Lead Compensator
- Lag-Lead Compensator
Video |
- Block Diagram Rules
- Routh stability
Flipped Class |
- Electrical Systems and lag-lead network
Self-learning |
40 EC 504 / Microprocessors & Microcontrollers
- Traffic light control
- Wash machine Control
- Automation of water supply for a colony
Self-learning |
Open Book Online Examination
video |
40 EC 502 / Analog Communication
- Mathematical Foundation of Communication
- Amplitude modulation
Open Book Online Examination
- Transmission of random process through LTI filter
- AM generation by modified phase shift method &AM demodulation by envelope detection
- FM demodulation by ratio detector method
- SNR for SSB and Pulse Modulation Methods
Self-learning |
- AM broadcasting and reception
- FM broadcasting and reception
- Television broadcasting and reception
Seminar |
- Amplitude Modulation
- Angle Modulation
- Pulse Modulation System
Video |